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        1 - A view on Montessori Educational approach from human agency perspective
        Narges Sajadieh
        Educational approaches in childhood have been very varient. One of the popular child education approaches in the world and our country is Montessori approach. This paper aims at examining and criticizing it from philosophical view. At first part, we attempt to infere More
        Educational approaches in childhood have been very varient. One of the popular child education approaches in the world and our country is Montessori approach. This paper aims at examining and criticizing it from philosophical view. At first part, we attempt to inference the philosophical presuppositions. Some of these philosophical components of this approach are: holistic view of child, child as social individual, attention to child inclinations, accepting child spontaneous motive for learning, proposing triple concept of freedom-responsibility - rule, concentrating on skills and instruments. At the second step we criticized these components from Islamic view of action. Some components like overestimating individuality of child, concentrating on instruments and underestimating child imagination are the most important critiques of this approach. On the other hand, some items like attention to child inclinations and balance attention to freedom and responsibility are advantages of this approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Study and Critique of the relatioan between culture and education regarding agency in the education Documents of Iran
        hamideh Farahbakhsh khosrow bagheri Narges Sajadieh
        The present paper seeks to study and critique the relation of culture and education regarding agency in education documents of Iran. In order to reach this aim, the education documents are studied through qualitative content analysis and conceptual analysis methods espe More
        The present paper seeks to study and critique the relation of culture and education regarding agency in education documents of Iran. In order to reach this aim, the education documents are studied through qualitative content analysis and conceptual analysis methods especially concept interpretation method and conceptual structure assessment method . This study revealed that there is an internal contradiction in this documents despite the main role they have in explaining this relation. In these documents, concepts like agency, asymmetrical interaction, dynamic of culture and developmental traditionalism have been emphasized which can be regarded as the strength points of documents, on the other hand it is stressed that all this concepts must be grounded on the Islamic criterion system, And this lead to the internal contradiction between these concepts in these documents. This paper studied the evidences of this contradiction and classified them as the governance of the Islamic criterion system, ambiguity of the meaning of the culture, contradiction of asymmetrical interaction with emphasizing on the Islamic criterion system, dominance of the traditionalism on agency and ambiguous conceptual boundaries between culture transmission and culture criticism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Comparative Study on Human Agency in Bandura’s Cognitive-Social Theory and the Islamic Approach of “Human as agent”
        mahdi naserzaeim Reza mohammadi khosrow Bagheri Jalil Fathabadi OMID shokri
        The purpose of this article is to compare the concept of agency in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and the Islamic approach of "human as agent". According to Bandura, agency refers to a voluntary effect on one's performance and environmental events, which has the main More
        The purpose of this article is to compare the concept of agency in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and the Islamic approach of "human as agent". According to Bandura, agency refers to a voluntary effect on one's performance and environmental events, which has the main aspects of intentionality, foresight, self-reaction, and self-reflection. On the other hand, in the Islamic perspective, human action or agency is based on three fundamental bases: cognition, tendency, and volition. In terms of methodology, the current study is a comparative study that deals with similarities and differences of two viewpoints with a glance on their roots. In the educational section, Frankena’s practical syllogism is used as the method. The basics and aspects of agency in both perspectives have a lot in common, in such a way that foresight and self-reflection in the first perspective can be compared with the cognition in the second approach; as self-reactivity and intentionality in the first approach can be compared with the emotional and volitional bases in the second approach. Despite this, the two views have differences in issues such as the concept of action and performance, the nature of interactive, cognitive, emotional and volitional aspects, the nature of interaction, responsibility and ethics, which will have relevant consequences for education. While, for instance, the first approach emphasizes the importance of structure, the second approach gives more weight to individual agency, and as a result of this difference, the role and influence of the individual within social structures will be different. Given the importance of human agency which is at issue in the two approaches, their commonalities are emphasized in the educational inferences. Manuscript profile