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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Comparative Study on Human Agency in Bandura’s Cognitive-Social Theory and the Islamic Approach of “Human as agent”
        mahdi naserzaeim Reza mohammadi khosrow Bagheri Jalil Fathabadi OMID shokri
        The purpose of this article is to compare the concept of agency in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and the Islamic approach of "human as agent". According to Bandura, agency refers to a voluntary effect on one's performance and environmental events, which has the main More
        The purpose of this article is to compare the concept of agency in Bandura's cognitive-social theory and the Islamic approach of "human as agent". According to Bandura, agency refers to a voluntary effect on one's performance and environmental events, which has the main aspects of intentionality, foresight, self-reaction, and self-reflection. On the other hand, in the Islamic perspective, human action or agency is based on three fundamental bases: cognition, tendency, and volition. In terms of methodology, the current study is a comparative study that deals with similarities and differences of two viewpoints with a glance on their roots. In the educational section, Frankena’s practical syllogism is used as the method. The basics and aspects of agency in both perspectives have a lot in common, in such a way that foresight and self-reflection in the first perspective can be compared with the cognition in the second approach; as self-reactivity and intentionality in the first approach can be compared with the emotional and volitional bases in the second approach. Despite this, the two views have differences in issues such as the concept of action and performance, the nature of interactive, cognitive, emotional and volitional aspects, the nature of interaction, responsibility and ethics, which will have relevant consequences for education. While, for instance, the first approach emphasizes the importance of structure, the second approach gives more weight to individual agency, and as a result of this difference, the role and influence of the individual within social structures will be different. Given the importance of human agency which is at issue in the two approaches, their commonalities are emphasized in the educational inferences. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Explaining the Foundations of Metamodern Theory and Their Implications for Defining Curriculum Elements
        mustafa Zabandan Einollah Abedi ghaderi mostafa
        The purpose of this research, in addition to presenting a metamodern curriculum, is to empower teachers to overcome the difficulties and negative side effects of modern and postmodern curricula. For this purpose, to answer the questions, a multi-method approach includin More
        The purpose of this research, in addition to presenting a metamodern curriculum, is to empower teachers to overcome the difficulties and negative side effects of modern and postmodern curricula. For this purpose, to answer the questions, a multi-method approach including the documentary method, the interpretive conceptual analysis, and the progressive type of practical syllogism are used. As the results, in addition to revealing the crises of the modern and postmodern curriculum, a model of the metamodern curriculum including the elements of curriculum is presented in such a way that through this curriculum, the community of teachers and students can consider the reflection of learning in thoughts and actions in social, cultural, and institutional contexts. By means of this model, distinct opportunities are provided for people with mental abilities as well as for people with learning disabilities. The result of this research is the presentation of three bases for developing a metamodern curriculum, which include: 1-Considering the modern and postmodern curriculum as effective historical experiences; 2- The metamodern curriculum as a care approach; 3-The metamodern curriculum as hope. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Explanation of Waldorf's Spiritual Approach to Children's Education and its Critique with Emphasis on Islamic Teachings M
        Masomeh kiyani
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's More
        The main purpose of this research is explanation of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education and its critique with emphasis on Islamic teachings. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical method is used to identify and describe the components of Waldorf's spiritual perspective on children's education. Then, using the regressive analysis in Frankena’s method, the philosophical foundations of Waldorf's spiritual approach to children’s education are investigated. In the second part, Waldorf's spiritual approach to children's education is criticized by using the method of critical philosophical enquiry emphasizing the Islamic point of view. The results of this research indicate that Waldorf's spiritual approach pays attention to features such as: the development of children's whole beings, strengthening their artistic potentialities, developing their spiritual perception, emphasizing meaning-making and finding meaning, and freedom as the goal of education. These features are based on philosophical foundations such as: The existence of a spiritual world beyond the material world, the existence of various spiritual beings, the unity of the universe in a spiritual sense, looking at the child as a spiritual being, the repeated reincarnation of humans, emphasizing the senses, intellect, inspiration and intuition as sources of knowledge, the interaction between objectivity and subjectivity in the pursuit of knowledge, and the matching of human "I" with "Christ" as the ultimate goal of human life. In criticizing Waldorf's spiritual approach based on the Islamic point of view, it became clear that Waldorf's views on the nature of the transcendental and the belief in reincarnation are not acceptable in the Islamic view. At the same time, some educational implications of the mentioned approach, such as looking at the child as a spiritual being and honoring him, paying attention to the development of the child's whole being and especially his spiritual dimension, emphasizing artistic education and education based on the stages of child development, have commonalities with the Islamic perspective. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

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        محمود هدایت افزا Hassan  Hajizadeh Anari