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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Comparative Study on Critical Thinking in Social Philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for Children Program”
            yahya ghaedy
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 as More
        This article is a comparative study between foundations, goals, and methodology of critical thinking in social philosophy of Horkheimer and “Philosophy for children”(P4C) program, and criticizing them. In order to realize this goal 3 questions are investigated on 3 aspects of foundations, aims and methods; and their relationship is studied. The result shows some similarities and differences between them. Similarities in foundations like being affected by Socrates, emphasize on thinking position in philosophy more than metaphysical subjects. About similarities in aims intellectual growth and to create better life is common in two approaches but the meaning of better life for them is different; for Horkheimer it means creating happiness for more people but in P4C program it means living in a democratic society with responsible and thoughtful citizens. Differences like adopting with social circumstances and the place of knowledge in social critic are mentioned. In methodology the main difference is to present certain and definable method for improving critical thinking in p4c but Horkheimer argue that critical thinking is a continuous process, so he doesn’t present a definite method only speaks of negative critique. The result of this study can be used for other researchers in philosophy and philosophy of education and other educational fields, curricula developer in educational systems, especially in developing an educational model for educating critical thinking. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Critical Analysis of Educational Justice Components in Ideologicalization and Constructive Discourses
          yahya ghaedy akbar salihie
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct state More
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct statement and some governmental and educational texts and approvals in the two mentioned periods have been studied and criticized by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method. As can be seen from the analysis and interpretation of the texts, these discourses, although somewhat different in terms of educational justice, political and value positions, but in terms of textual and hyper-textual analysis, act more on the need and in the dimension of justice. Lack of budget, maintaining relations of hierarchical order, centralism, ambiguity and contradiction in opinion and practice, weakness in functionalist use of religion along with other ideas, internal and external unrest, limited internal and external interactions, conservatism, dominance and superiority of intellectual and value positions of the upper echelons of the system and as the most important factor and obstacle compared to other cases, including the most significant internal constraints and external barriers in providing the requirements for educational justice, especially at the qualitative level and it shows the inconsistency of the goals and programs proposed with the real relations and goals of the government. Consequently, If, in terms of motivation and cognition, there is no change in the intellectual positions of the ruling group as a source of authority and policy at all levels, change at other levels will not be possible as requirements for the effective realization of educational justice, especially at the qualitative level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Revisiting the Role of Children’s Voice in the Reformation and Improvement of Educational Programs and Policies
        amin izadpanah
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three More
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three questions are raised in this paper: 1.Why children’s voices have historically often been neglected in relation to their life matters? 2. Why children’s voices must be heard and been considered as criteria in their life matters? 3. How can children’s voices be demarginalized and exercised in children’s educational matters for the betterment educational programs? The findings show that the total rejection of childhood and its values, a deficit conception of childhood, and inadequacy and deficiency of adults’ conception of childhood are among the most significant reasons of historical ignorance of children’s voices. Prerequisites of appealing to children’s voices include: A critical theoretical revision of adult-centered approaches of childhood, rejection of the universal notion of childhood, adopting the plurality and difference of childhood and children’s voices around the world based on various cultural climates and contexts, and adhering to the equality of children’s rights and adults. Dialogue and inquiry with children are suggested as two strategies for listening to and representing children’s voices in the reformation and improvement of educational programs and procedures. These two strategies can provide us with an access to fresh and firsthand knowledge about children and issues related to their lives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - .
        Marzyeh Aali
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Critical Discourse Analysis of the Peace in Afghanistan Education Based on The Constitution of the Islamic Republic Period
        alishah fayegh Ramazan Barkhordari Alireza mahmmudnia
        In the current study, the problem of peace in the education of Afghanistan, based on the official documents of Islamic Republic period has been analyzed. But because the use of language has different complexities and is related to external areas, this study has used the More
        In the current study, the problem of peace in the education of Afghanistan, based on the official documents of Islamic Republic period has been analyzed. But because the use of language has different complexities and is related to external areas, this study has used the method of critical discourse analysis according to Fairclough's approach along with considerations of Laclau and Mouffe. The main source of this analysis is the document of The Constitution of Afghanistan in the period of the Islamic Republic. At the same time, other authoritative documents and texts have been used to develop and deepen the analysis. The result obtained from this analysis shows that the official documents do not have a single discourse; rather, they contain various discourses without having a specific central signifier, in the form of a discourse order. The most important discourses identified in these documents consist of "Islamism", "democracy", "racism", and "nationalism", which are formed around the main signifiers of "Islam", "people", "race" and "nation". This multiplicity of discourses causes the construction of the identity of peace in the documents to be composed of various signifiers and multiple and incoherent constructs, that cannot be actualized because of the antagonism involved among these signifiers and constructs, consequently, it does not fulfill peace education. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analysis magical realism in the metamodernism approach in order to present its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empath
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanti More
        This paper was conducted with the aim of analysis magical realism in the Metatmodernism approach in order to provide its implications in creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The main components of metamodernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates metamodernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and metamodernism. This literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered one of the effective components of metamodernism. Considering the importance of this component in the approach of metamodernism, this research has analyzed magical realism in the approach of metamodernism in order to provide its implications creating intellectual exploration and empathy. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using the content analysis research method. Also, there is a research community, relevant and accessible documents and articles in the field of magical realism and metamodernism. The tool for recording and maintaining information in this research was the fiche. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help the growth of learners, promote critical thinking and intellectual exploration, empathy, intercultural sensitivity and a deeper understanding of complex issues. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Analysis of Magical Realism in the Meta-modernism approach in order to Present its Educational Implications in Intellectual Inquiry and Empathy
        mustafa Zabandan mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Akbar panahi dorcheh
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-roman More
        This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates Meta-modernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and Meta-modernism. Literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered as one of the effective components of Meta-modernism. Considering the importance of this component, this research has analyzed magical realism in this approach in order to provide its implications for education. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using content analysis in relation to the relevant and accessible documents and articles. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help learners in intellectual growth, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, empathy, intercultural sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of complex issues Manuscript profile