An Analysis of Magical Realism in the Meta-modernism approach in order to Present its Educational Implications in Intellectual Inquiry and Empathy
Subject Areas :
mustafa Zabandan
mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi
Akbar panahi dorcheh
1 - Education
2 - Ph.D. philosophy of education, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University of Tehran
3 - Educational Department of Theology and Islamic Education, Farhangian University of Isfahan
Keywords: Magical realism, Meta-modernism, Critical thinking, Empathy, Intellectual inquiry,
Abstract :
This research was conducted with the aim of analysis of magical realism in the Meta-modernism approach and looking for its educational implications in intellectual inquiry and empathy. The main components of Meta-modernism include oscillation, magical realism, neo-romanticism, "As If" thinking and pragmatism. Although the use of magical realism predates Meta-modernism, this literary genre is now associated with neo-romanticism and Meta-modernism. Literary approach, as a mixture of imagination and reality, is considered as one of the effective components of Meta-modernism. Considering the importance of this component, this research has analyzed magical realism in this approach in order to provide its implications for education. The method of this research is of qualitative type and its library studies are conducted using content analysis in relation to the relevant and accessible documents and articles. The result of this research shows that magical realism can significantly help learners in intellectual growth, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, empathy, intercultural sensitivity, and a deeper understanding of complex issues
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