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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Formulation of Implicit Philosophy of Education inAncient Iranian Culture
        دکتر سمانه خلیلی khosrow Bagheri
        The purpose of this article is to extract the Iranian philosophy of education based on the cultural characteristics of the ancient Iran. To obtain this aim, we will consider Taylor’s definition of culture and his emphasis on four main elements including state, social co More
        The purpose of this article is to extract the Iranian philosophy of education based on the cultural characteristics of the ancient Iran. To obtain this aim, we will consider Taylor’s definition of culture and his emphasis on four main elements including state, social conditions, religion and education. In terms of research methods, we will employ historical method, transcendental analysis, and practical deduction. The findings of this research are organized in terms of the final goal of education, the fundamental concept of education, the philosophical foundations (anthropology, epistemology, and axiology) and the principles derived from them. Accordingly, in the ancient Iran, the final goal of education was “attaining goodness” and in this regard, different dimensions of human existence were considered. This point, especially in the individual aspect is one of the strengths of implicit philosophy of ancient Iranian education. Concerning anthropology, there was a deterministic look to human and his abilities, as well as social immobility and belonging to a particular social class, characteristics that can be criticized. In epistemology, the dependence of knowledge on the social classes, the lack of attention to the value of knowledge itself and the domination of imitative approaches over rationalization are among the weaknesses of this educational philosophy. There are also strengths and weaknesses in its axiology. In the social dimension, the stability of class values and the lack of power of choice are negative points. On the other hand, in terms of individual values, the commitment of individuals and the role of the family in transferring values are considered to be positive points. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The status of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in breeding students' moral responsibility with an emphasis on actor- network philosophical theory
          saeed zarghami hamrah
        The goal of this research is investigate the position of MOOCs in breeding students' moral responsibility with an emphasis on actor- network theory. The present research is philosophical and conceptual and linguistic analysis and transgressive logical analysis. Document More
        The goal of this research is investigate the position of MOOCs in breeding students' moral responsibility with an emphasis on actor- network theory. The present research is philosophical and conceptual and linguistic analysis and transgressive logical analysis. Documents analyzed included views of experts, books, background studies and related research in the field. Findings of the research showed; based on the theory of actor- network and the simultaneous function of man and technology and their interactions between each other, MOOCs is not a neutral tool and can has a dual position is constructive and unconstructive in breeding students' moral responsibility. On the one hand, through changing the role of the teacher and the student, the application of interactive approaches in teaching, the development of specific competencies and the development of educational justice have provided a basis for breeding responsibility. On the contrary, due to the non-presence, unconditional acceptance of all applicants, crowded classrooms, the existence of false identities and the possibility of unknowing learners have reduced student responsibility. Based on the theory of actor network and the intermediate, symmetric and network look at humans and artifacts, it can be concluded the technology of MOOCs through changing the nature, interests and intentions of the actors provides background for training their moral responsibility or irresponsible. But this lackage can be filled by interacting with the learning environment and using more than multimedia technologies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Critical Analysis of Educational Justice Components in Ideologicalization and Constructive Discourses
          yahya ghaedy akbar salihie
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct state More
        The present article has been written with the aim of analyzing and criticizing the components of educational justice in the discourses after the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the discourse of ideological and constructive. For this purpose, some of the direct statement and some governmental and educational texts and approvals in the two mentioned periods have been studied and criticized by Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis method. As can be seen from the analysis and interpretation of the texts, these discourses, although somewhat different in terms of educational justice, political and value positions, but in terms of textual and hyper-textual analysis, act more on the need and in the dimension of justice. Lack of budget, maintaining relations of hierarchical order, centralism, ambiguity and contradiction in opinion and practice, weakness in functionalist use of religion along with other ideas, internal and external unrest, limited internal and external interactions, conservatism, dominance and superiority of intellectual and value positions of the upper echelons of the system and as the most important factor and obstacle compared to other cases, including the most significant internal constraints and external barriers in providing the requirements for educational justice, especially at the qualitative level and it shows the inconsistency of the goals and programs proposed with the real relations and goals of the government. Consequently, If, in terms of motivation and cognition, there is no change in the intellectual positions of the ruling group as a source of authority and policy at all levels, change at other levels will not be possible as requirements for the effective realization of educational justice, especially at the qualitative level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Discourse Analysis of Teacher Education in the Rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Reza Haqverdi   Susan Keshavarz Alireza Mahmoudnia
        In this paper, teacher education discourse has been analyzed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Research assumes the governance discourses that have been articulated after the Islamic revolution, have defined teachers' semantic systems that have placed the political, econ More
        In this paper, teacher education discourse has been analyzed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Research assumes the governance discourses that have been articulated after the Islamic revolution, have defined teachers' semantic systems that have placed the political, economic, and social position of teachers in power structures. These semantic systems include a central signifier for teacher education discourse that other signs being articulated around it. The research questions are: what have been the central signs of teacher education in the governance discourse formed after the Islamic Revolution? And what were the backgrounds of teacher education discourses after the Islamic Revolution? This research is based on Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory mode through document mining. According findings of the research, the central sign of teacher education in the governance discourses after the Islamic revolution of Iran are: Revolutionary teacher training, teacher training as a government agent, political development of teacher, fundamental reform in teacher education, teacher education as a theoretical and practical model according to the Islamic standard system. The wide discourse of the Islamic Revolution has had a lasting impact on the process of teacher education. Also after drafting the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) and the Document of Teacher Education and the Provision of Human Resources in the Formal and Public Education Subsystem, teacher education has been viewed as a strategic position in the education system with a long-term and forward-looking approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Revisiting the Role of Children’s Voice in the Reformation and Improvement of Educational Programs and Policies
        amin izadpanah
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three More
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three questions are raised in this paper: 1.Why children’s voices have historically often been neglected in relation to their life matters? 2. Why children’s voices must be heard and been considered as criteria in their life matters? 3. How can children’s voices be demarginalized and exercised in children’s educational matters for the betterment educational programs? The findings show that the total rejection of childhood and its values, a deficit conception of childhood, and inadequacy and deficiency of adults’ conception of childhood are among the most significant reasons of historical ignorance of children’s voices. Prerequisites of appealing to children’s voices include: A critical theoretical revision of adult-centered approaches of childhood, rejection of the universal notion of childhood, adopting the plurality and difference of childhood and children’s voices around the world based on various cultural climates and contexts, and adhering to the equality of children’s rights and adults. Dialogue and inquiry with children are suggested as two strategies for listening to and representing children’s voices in the reformation and improvement of educational programs and procedures. These two strategies can provide us with an access to fresh and firsthand knowledge about children and issues related to their lives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Social constructivism and its educational implications for inclusive
        mahin chenari Zohreh iranpoor
        The purpose of this study is to explain the theory of social constructivism and infer the educational implications of this theory for inclusive education. The research method is deductive inference of Frankenna reconstructed model. The theory of social constructivism in More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the theory of social constructivism and infer the educational implications of this theory for inclusive education. The research method is deductive inference of Frankenna reconstructed model. The theory of social constructivism in the field of goals, principles and methods of education had many implications for inclusive education. Among the educational goals that were achieved are: to elevate students 'learning according to individual, social and cultural contexts, to develop students' potential abilities, in the field of principles: to pay attention to individual, social and cultural differences of knowledge Students, flourishing students' potential talents with the help of the teacher, in the field of method: using self-assessment, using pre-organizers, using participatory method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Deconstruction of Moderate Borrowing Policies in Contemporary Iranian Educational Reforms
        Ali Vahdati Daneshmand shahin iravani
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose More
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose of this article is to critically examine three moderate policies, namely: 1) Appropriation in the views of Mirza Malkum Khan and Mirza Yusuf Mustashar al-Dawla, 2) Selection in the views of Abdul Rahim Talibov, and 3) Instrumentalism in the efforts of Mohammad Ali Mojtahedi and Reza Roozbeh applying Derridean Deconstruction. Deconstruction shows that each of these policies has blind spots that have led to results contrary to the original intentions of their defenders. Appropriation, with its strong emphasis on commonalities, ignores the differences between the two systems of education. Selection has been inattentive to the gradual change of educational patterns by separating from their original context and the emergence of new interpretations. Instrumentalism with its focus on achieving the expected educational results has created an elitist system that ignores the unpredicted educational results and others marginalized by this consequentialism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - .
        Marzyeh Aali
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analysis of the Role of Aesthetic Experience in Children's Education
        Fatemeh  Benvidi
        According to the views of education experts, aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital part of a flourishing life. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of aesthetic experience in children's education. To achieve this goal, the firs More
        According to the views of education experts, aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital part of a flourishing life. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of aesthetic experience in children's education. To achieve this goal, the first step is to defend the necessity of aesthetic education for children based on the analysis of existing philosophical justifications. For this purpose, the descriptive-analytical research method has been used. Several philosophical justifications have been proposed for the necessity of aesthetic education, whose critical evaluation shows that the only answer is based on aesthetic experience, which makes it possible to defend art based on its distinctive value. Therefore, aesthetic education for children can be taken as justifiable and necessary independent of art's contribution to expression and its role in moral promotion. This is because the aesthetic experience and understanding of art is a vital component in flourishing life, and being exposed to the aesthetic experience opens up ways for human growth that no other type of experience can do. The findings of this research indicate that even if art education does not lead to innovation and improved skills that can be measured with quantitative methods, it should have an important place in schools and curricula. A curriculum without aesthetic training and proper appreciation for the arts ignores our goal of raising flourishing human beings worthy of meaningful aesthetic experiences. Also, aesthetic education should not be limited to people and subject-matters, but should cover the entire curriculum. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Explaining the Foundations of Metamodern Theory and Their Implications for Defining Curriculum Elements
        mustafa Zabandan Einollah Abedi ghaderi mostafa
        The purpose of this research, in addition to presenting a metamodern curriculum, is to empower teachers to overcome the difficulties and negative side effects of modern and postmodern curricula. For this purpose, to answer the questions, a multi-method approach includin More
        The purpose of this research, in addition to presenting a metamodern curriculum, is to empower teachers to overcome the difficulties and negative side effects of modern and postmodern curricula. For this purpose, to answer the questions, a multi-method approach including the documentary method, the interpretive conceptual analysis, and the progressive type of practical syllogism are used. As the results, in addition to revealing the crises of the modern and postmodern curriculum, a model of the metamodern curriculum including the elements of curriculum is presented in such a way that through this curriculum, the community of teachers and students can consider the reflection of learning in thoughts and actions in social, cultural, and institutional contexts. By means of this model, distinct opportunities are provided for people with mental abilities as well as for people with learning disabilities. The result of this research is the presentation of three bases for developing a metamodern curriculum, which include: 1-Considering the modern and postmodern curriculum as effective historical experiences; 2- The metamodern curriculum as a care approach; 3-The metamodern curriculum as hope. Manuscript profile