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        1 - Revisiting the Role of Children’s Voice in the Reformation and Improvement of Educational Programs and Policies
        amin izadpanah
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three More
        This article aims to study the role and value of children’s voices in the reformation of educational programs. This study is conducted through a critical philosophical inquiry method. The ultimate purpose of this method is the improvement of educational practice. Three questions are raised in this paper: 1.Why children’s voices have historically often been neglected in relation to their life matters? 2. Why children’s voices must be heard and been considered as criteria in their life matters? 3. How can children’s voices be demarginalized and exercised in children’s educational matters for the betterment educational programs? The findings show that the total rejection of childhood and its values, a deficit conception of childhood, and inadequacy and deficiency of adults’ conception of childhood are among the most significant reasons of historical ignorance of children’s voices. Prerequisites of appealing to children’s voices include: A critical theoretical revision of adult-centered approaches of childhood, rejection of the universal notion of childhood, adopting the plurality and difference of childhood and children’s voices around the world based on various cultural climates and contexts, and adhering to the equality of children’s rights and adults. Dialogue and inquiry with children are suggested as two strategies for listening to and representing children’s voices in the reformation and improvement of educational programs and procedures. These two strategies can provide us with an access to fresh and firsthand knowledge about children and issues related to their lives. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Deconstruction of Moderate Borrowing Policies in Contemporary Iranian Educational Reforms
        Ali Vahdati Daneshmand shahin iravani
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose More
        Since the modernization of the Iranian school, the main question for reformers to deal with was how to interact and borrow from western education. Social reformers and educational activists have responded to this question and adopted a policy confronting it. The purpose of this article is to critically examine three moderate policies, namely: 1) Appropriation in the views of Mirza Malkum Khan and Mirza Yusuf Mustashar al-Dawla, 2) Selection in the views of Abdul Rahim Talibov, and 3) Instrumentalism in the efforts of Mohammad Ali Mojtahedi and Reza Roozbeh applying Derridean Deconstruction. Deconstruction shows that each of these policies has blind spots that have led to results contrary to the original intentions of their defenders. Appropriation, with its strong emphasis on commonalities, ignores the differences between the two systems of education. Selection has been inattentive to the gradual change of educational patterns by separating from their original context and the emergence of new interpretations. Instrumentalism with its focus on achieving the expected educational results has created an elitist system that ignores the unpredicted educational results and others marginalized by this consequentialism. Manuscript profile