Historicity in Heidegger's Thought and its Implications for Education
Subject Areas :
Poorya Aeini
faramarz mohamadipouya
1 - master
2 - Ph.D. philosophy of education
Keywords: temporality, historicity, Heidegger, education,
Abstract :
education, in confrunting the world's developments in the field of history, in relation to the past and historical tradition on the one hand, and new phenomena on the other hand. This philosophical issue can be traced under the topic of historicity. Historicism was first introduced into philosophy by Hegel, and after him, attention to history in epistemology was continued by various philosophers. Heidegger deals with historicity in a different way from others and considers it not as a secondary and temporary characteristic, but as an existential element for humans. Accordingly, we found Heidegger's exploration of historicity as a way to answer our question. From Heidegger's point of view, human is "thrown" into a historical tradition and culture, and since he has existence, he can plan his way of becoming. The ability to do this is based on the unique possibilities that belong to human, as the result of this thrownness. The result of this research is that in a desired education, based on authentic historicity, first of all, historical tradition cannot be considered as an object for the will of a person; historical tradition is always present in us and offers all the possibilities of our existence. Secondly, since human beings have an existence towards the future, the objective recovery of historical tradition and the effort to educate human beings similar to past human beings is meaningless and independent of "here" and "now" in the life. Thirdly, ignoring the historical tradition destroys the existential continuity of human experiences throughout history and removes the originality and "spontaneity" of human actions. That is, it is not possible to make such a will to raise a person who is abandoned and separated from the past.
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